Monday, August 11, 2014

Drawer Flowers

 Look at this lovely little addition to drawer knobs!  My flowers are a bit crumpled for texture, and I happened to use old paper with writing on it. However, you're free to style them as you please. Construction or scrapbooking paper would work just as nicely, and they could add a pop of color to your drawers.


This was really a fairly straight-forward project. It took 15 minutes, at most, and that's only because I kept redrawing my basic flower shape. 

Well, you begin with 3 flowers: large, medium, and small. It's easiest to first draw the small one and then to trace around it to make the 2 bigger ones.

Then, you'll want to place them on top of each other, but tilted, so that the petals of each layer are visible. 

The knobs of my drawer were easily unscrewable, so I simply took off the head. I put the flower stack onto the protruding nail, then screwed the head back on. Ta-dah!

 And there's the finished product. It's a rather lovely look when you step back and see the flowers on all of the drawers.

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