Monday, August 11, 2014

Vacay at Hearst Castle

First of all, wow. And second of all, WOW. The sheer opulence of Hearst Castle is stunning. I've never been to a castle or mansion before, which may explain the awe. But still, the place is absolutely gor-ge-ous. The crown molding is exquisite, and it's done in such detail that it simply isn't matched in modern homes. The ceiling frescos are quite intricate, but also old and fading (photos weren't allowed), which adds a depth of character. When I see fabulous architecture, I reach the level of glee of a child eating ice cream. As such, this castle tour was a dream come true. 

In the end, I spent the most time at the outdoors pool (I have to specify since there's an indoors one as well!), because I adored the Greek imitation architecture. The white stone statues, Corinthian columns, and lush shrubbery has such an old-world vibe that I couldn't get enough of the place. I'm amazed that Hearst's children were able to part with the gorgeous castle in order to share it with the public. But I'm quite glad they were!

This is the view from inside the Pantheon-esque structure. What a way it would be to pass the evening there, sitting on that bench and looking out at the pool. 
And just one last view from opposite the quasi-Pantheon. Sigh, just look at those blue skies and even bluer waters.  
What else can I say. I could have cried from envy the home was so lovely. From the interior decorating to the outdoors view, the whole place was magical. If I ever manage to accumulate a fortune like William Randolph Hearst, which was about $30 billion I believe, the first thing I'll do is start building a palace. After all, it took him decades to perfect his. 

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