Monday, August 4, 2014

Summer Reading Reviews

Summer reading. I envision kicking off flip-flops into the warm sand, lying back on a hammock with a glass of lemonade beside me, and a paperback book in my hand. Ah.

First, I'll meander through some light fluff, straight off the YA bestseller list. Light, airy, meaningless stories whose only purpose is to create feelings of contentment. But after a while, once I begin craving real plot and substantial characters, I'll grab a couple of historical fictions. Perhaps it will be a little Victorian Era, or possibly some Medieval Ages. Either way, there are plenty of options. Another genre (?) that has steadily risen in recent popularity is the retold myth one. In particular, I have seen several versions of modern-day Hades and Persephone tales. I'll admit, I'm curious. I plan on looking through a few of those during my summer reading.

My plan is to keep you informed as I go, giving reviews on books. I don't claim to be a professional critic, or anything of the sort. I'm simply a lover of fiction who would like to share her thoughts with you, as well as hear your opinions. On a bit of a side note, I will give warning before any spoilers, because I can empathize with the frustration of having a climactic moment ruined for you. Otherwise, the reviews will consist more of thoughts on the novel and less on a summary of the plot. Book recommendations are welcomed, as I would love to discuss anything that strikes your fancy. I'm always on the look-out for remarkable novels.

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